An online public archive of resources & research centered around the urban

The City Produced: Urban Development, Violence and Spatial Justice in Mumbai

The City Produced: Urban Development, Violence and Spatial Justice in Mumbai

The study examines the socio-spatial transformations in the country's commercial capital at multiple scales. At the macro-level it examines the role of planning and policy-making in shaping the city. At the micro level, it focuses on narratives of place-making, resistance, agency and negotiations to trace the changing trajectories of poverty, inequality, violence, and peace in the metropolis.


Private Ventures, State Violence and Community Resources in Rio de Janeiro

This work is dedicated to understanding the violence and insecurity resulting from institutional action as well as identifying lessons for the promotion of social peace and justice from community responses to mitigate violence and insecurity.


Durban: Between Apartheid and Neoliberalism, and its Discontents

The project studies the playing out of spatial (in)justice and the place of violence within the processes of socio-spatial transformations engineered by an alliance of state and market forces in Durban.


People, Places and Infrastructure: Countering Urban Violence and Promoting Social Justice in Mumbai, Durban & Rio De Janeiro

Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Mumbai), University of KwaZulu (Durban) and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)