An online public archive of resources & research centered around the urban

Impact of Infrastructure and Governance Transformations of JNNURM in Small, Medium & Large Cities

Impact of Infrastructure and Governance Transformations of JNNURM in Small, Medium & Large Cities

This four-state research project reviewed the extent and nature of the impact of JNNURM and its Sub-Missions in Maharashtra, Mizoram, Tamil Nadu and Odisha. It resulted in eight city case studies that aimed at understanding the effects of these transformations on urban local bodies (ULB) as well as actual service outcomes for citizen groups, particularly urban poor groups.


UIRF I: Laying the Foundations Project

This study was initiated to enhance the influence of citizens on urban reforms by providing relevant knowledge support to local academic institutions and civil society organisations in small and medium towns.


UIRF II: Building on the Foundations

The second phase of the project focused on critical issues in housing, water, planning and governance. A consultative and participative approach was maintained through UIRF II as well.


Urban Policy and Programmes in India -- A People-Centred Performance Review

This project reviewed a range of literature on JNNURM in collaboration with other civil society organisations. This was followed by a workshop held to discuss civil society inputs.


Situational Analysis of Proper Governance in Bangalore, Pune & Nagpur

The report is an effort to use participatory methodology to understand the phenomenon of urban poverty through a comparative analysis of Pune, Nagpur and Bangalore.


Analysis of Community Participation Law

The paper attempted to generate a wider debate on Community Participation Law, especially around the issues of Ward Committees and Area Sabhas.

Right to the City as the Basis for Housing Rights Advocacy in Contemporary India

The project seeks to build a knowledge base to support groups working on issues of urban poor and contribute to clarifying contested policy debates on realising the right to the city.