Certificate Course in Migration Studies (2016)
The Center for Migration and Labour Solutions (Aajeevika Bureau) and the Centre for Community Organization and Development Practice (School of Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences) are proud to announce the third round of the Certificate Course on Labour Migration — Perspectives for Practice. The course is meant to build a conceptual lens to labour migration and impart skills of action research as well as reflexivity among practitioners/students working on or interested in issues of unorganized labour and migrant communities.
What does the course offer this year?
An opportunity to cultivate:
A deep understanding of labour migration: its key drivers; relationship with economic growth and poverty; its developmental outcomes; as well as the pressing policy challenges in the area.
An appreciation of action research for making systematic enquiries for better practice.
An enhanced understanding of labour administration, labour regulations (including their implementation) as well as labour reforms in India.
Eligibility and Selection
A total of 25 seats are available under the programme. Participants from field based development organizations, trade unions actively engaged in labour advocacy, and students of labour and migration are encouraged to apply. Participants will be shortlisted based on their written applications in a prescribed format (downloadable at www.aajeevika.org) and final selection will be based on a telephonic interview and organizational references. Applicants must possess a graduate degree and should have at least 3 years of work experience. Fresh post graduates and students pursuing post-graduation in relevant discipline are encouraged to apply. They must also possess a working knowledge of English.
The last date for submission of completed applications is July 20, 2016. All applications will be reviewed by a selection committee and shortlisted candidates will be informed by July 31, 2016. This will be followed by telephonic interviews. The final list of selected candidates will be announced before August 10, 2016.
Course Fee
This programme is covered principally by a grant from IKEA Foundation. It provides boarding, lodging, teaching and research expenses of the participants. Selected participants are expected to cover their travel to and from Mumbai and contribute a fee of Rs 1500.
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