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Lalitha Kamath

Lalitha Kamath
Associate Professor and Chairperson ,

Trained as an urban planner, Lalitha is an urbanist whose research interests focus on the political, economic, social, planning and governance dimensions of urbanisation. She is particularly interested in learning from and theorising everyday practices and bridging academic, pedagogic and practitioner networks, both, within India and across the Global South. Her recent research has involved examination of urban reform programmes launched for big and small cities, civil society and the politics of participation, planning for local economic development and informal economies. Some recent publications include ‘Planning as Practice Governance Conjunctures and Informal Urbanisation in Solapur Town’ (Economic and Political Weekly 2014), a co-edited volume titled ‘Participolis: Consent and Contention in Neoliberal Urban Governance’ (Routledge 2013), and ‘Decentralisation and Local Government Innovation in Providing Urban Services for the Poor in South and South East Asia’ (Space and Polity 2012).